Bradford RITA pilot project
Led by Dr Ina Ashworth, Clinical Psychologist,
Pathway-lead for Older People’s Inpatient Psychological Services
The aim of this pilot project was to understand the usefulness and acceptability of RITA in different care settings.
Evaluate impact and benefits.
Consider advantages of RITA in supporting continuity of care and seamless personalised meaningful participation care plans for individuals transitioning between participating pilot sites.
Pilot sites included two care home providers (Five Rise and Greystones), one LA assessment bed facility (Valley View Court) and two inpatients wards at Bradford District Care Trust.
Outcomes included a significant reduction in average number of falls, a significant reduction in average number of incidents, reduction in average number of overall PRNS, a significant reduction in the average number of Benzodiazepine used, a significant reduction in average number of hospital admissions and a significant reduction in the average hours of additional 1:1 care,
View their presentation HERE

Project RITA - Dudley Metropolitan Council
The impact of Project RITA has been shared with management teams, the falls steering groups, the integrated commissioning executive and the dementia steering group. They have received feedback from a range of professionals and other residential and care homes.
Outcomes included: Reduced falls, reduced 1:1, reduced hospital admissions and the prescriptive use of RITA in to care plans helped to reduce the need for high cost care packages.
This successful project achieved a shortlist nomination in the LGC awards and won a gold award in the Public Sector Transformation Awards!
View their case study HERE
View ADASS presentation video HERE

James Paget University Hospitals NHS FT
Project Update Summary:
The project implementation commenced at the end of September 2022. Four Health Care Assistants (HCA’s) were identified as RITA Champions to support the roll out of the RITA project on the wards. The plan was for the champions to be in place for the first 3 months of the roll out. Their daily role was to identifying dementia patients from the ward handover and then engage with these patients utilising the RITA devices. Interactions with patients would be diarized for evaluation of the project. They were also encouraged to cascade training to ward staff on how the devices worked.
A 24inch touch screen and a 10inch tablet loaded with the RITA (Reminiscence) software were deployed to the two identified wards. One medical and one orthopaedic ward was selected based on the on the number of patients with dementia that historically were admitted to these wards.
Initial feedback from RITA Champions was that the project has been exceptionally well received. With anecdotal reports of patients singing on the ward and “a noticeable difference to the ward atmosphere”.
Follow their progress live via the Q Health Website HERE

Princes Court Care Home (Akari Care) & North East & North Cumbria ICB
Project Summary:
In 2022 Princes Court Care Home were offered ALM & RITA for the purposes of a pilot and evaluation exercise which was funded by North East and North Cumbria ICB.
A trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioner also studying at Northumbria University worked alongside to support the pilot and evaluate and report on any outcomes.
The project was a great success and evidenced very valuable outcomes, including reduced falls, reduced behaviours that challenge and increased nutrition and hydration.
The trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioner was invited by NHS ENgland, Improvement & X to present these findings via a show and tell in January 2023 and these are the slides presented HERE
So too is a case study also documenting the results HERE
View the recording of their presentation HERE

2023 White Paper: Self-reported outcomes from the implementation of RITA with care settings in Sunderland. Glenn Martyn Smith
This report summarises the self-reported outcomes and provides narrative regarding the successful implementation of RITA in care settings in the Sunderland region. This implementation was made possible due to the strong working relationship between Sunderland City Council and Trading Company Sunderland Care and Support. You can read the paper HERE

2020 White Paper: Introducing Reminiscence Interactive Therapy Activities. Glenn Martyn Smith
Following the first two successful Commissioner led RITA Projects in North Tyneside and Dudley Glenn Smith produced the following white paper summarising the results of the project. You can read the paper HERE

2022 White Paper: Cohort comparison of self-reported outcomes for users of RITA (Reminiscence Interactive Therapeutic Activities) – does consistent use increase the benefits? Glenn Martyn Smith
This paper summarises further work around the self-reported findings of 153 community settings that have implemented the use of RITA with their client group. RITA has already been reported to have significantly improved clients’ mental health and there was also reported improvements in a significant proportion of settings with regard to falls management, admissions avoidance and nutrition and hydration. However, on further examination of the data there appeared to be a disparity in the reported outcomes between groups who used RITA consistently on a daily basis or more frequently, and those who used RITA less frequently than daily. The paper examines this difference in the reported results obtained from the implementation of RITA when comparing the two aforementioned groups and their self-reported outcomes.
You can read the paper HERE

2022 White Paper: RITA Self-Reported Outcome Measures of The Implementation of Reminiscence Interactive Therapy Activities In Community Care Settings. Glenn Martyn Smith
This paper summarises the self-reported findings of 153 community settings that have implemented the use of RITA with their client group. In accordance with previous findings from the same external review, RITA was reported to have significantly improved clients’ mental health and there was also reported improvements in a significant proportion of settings with regard to falls management, admissions avoidance and nutrition and hydration. The paper supports what systems would be expected to gain from widespread adoption of RITA in the primary care settings given what is already known about the vulnerability of this client group to falls, hospital admissions and deteriorating mental health.
You can read the paper HERE

Addenbrookes Falls Prevention Project 2021
Project Summary:
The lead Falls Prevention Specialist and Dementia Specialist Nurse piloted the use of Reminiscence Interactive Therapy Activity systems (RITA) on wards with a high incidence of patients with dementia and falls. The aim of the pilot was to ascertain if the intervention of RITA would improve patients’ experience, wellbeing and reduce falls in older people in an acute setting.
Review their study HERE

Charlton Court Care Home CQC Report 2020 Mentioning RITA (Page 14)
The home was also involved with a Reminiscence interactive Therapy/activities [RITA] project with the clinical commissioning group where technology and reality orientation was used to stimulate people. A benefit was also as people were occupied there was evidence of a reduction in the number of falls.
Reads full report HERE

Charlton Court Care Home CQC Report 2020 Mentioning RITA (Page 12)
.A reminiscence interactive therapy activity (RITA) scheme had been introduced. Staff used RITA software on an iPad or computer to interact with people. It worked very well with people with dementia related conditions. For example, by reducing agitation and improving communication. Staff helped people to use the system and access a variety of activities to achieve positive outcomes. An external professional said, "(Registered manager) and her team have embraced the technology to help support and engage residents, relatives and staff with meaningful activities. The outcomes for residents have been amazing and the home's hard work was recognised with a recent award."
Reads full report HERE

Dorothy House Hospice CQC Report 2022 Mentioning RITA (Page 25)
Staff understood and applied the policy on meeting the information and communication needs of patients with a disability or sensory loss. A working group had looked at how to improve the environment to be dementia friendly. The service used a ‘reminiscence interactive therapy activities’ system (RITA), which offered digital reminiscence therapy for patients with dementia. The hospice environment met the needs of patients living with dementia.
Reads full report HERE

Lyndon Croft CQC Report 2022 Mentioning RITA (Page 9)
Lyndon Croft was using Reminiscence Interactive Therapy Activities which is a system used to support people to engage in activities. This therapy encourages the use of activities to enhance quality of life and well-being for people. It has been shown to help with reducing hospital admissions, falls, anxiety and promote social engagement.
We observed staff engaging with people and in particular those taking part in a chair aerobics programme. It was interactive, fun and people were fully engaged with the staff leading the exercise and other people
Reads full report HERE

Hywel Dda UHB Patient Experience Awards nomination 2018
We have seen a reduction in patient falls and in the number of incidents involving inappropriate patient behaviour including episodes of aggression to both staff and other patients since the introduction of the system. Although we have introduced other patient safety initiatives we believe the introduction of the RITA system has significantly contributed to this overall improvement by helping to ensure patients are provided with additional opportunities for social interaction simulation, music therapy and other reminiscence activities. Some examples of team activities such as bingo, bowls, karaoke and horseracing has significantly contributed to increased patient engagement, wellbeing and establishing friendships with other patients. This effect has helped patients with their rehabilitation programmes.
Reads full report HERE

North Tyneside CCG 2020 (Mentioning RITA on page 15)
Reminiscence Interactive Therapy and Activities – ‘RITA’ During the past year, local nursing and care homes reported increasing levels of distress and anxiety from residents with dementia. With an ageing population and increasing prevalence of dementia in North Tyneside, we commissioned the new ‘RITA’ system for the borough. RITA is a touch screen PC and tablet system, pre-loaded a bank of music, films, videos, games and even iconic speeches, which can be tailored to individual needs. The impact on individuals using RITA as part of their personalised care has been immense.
Reads full report HERE