Wrexham Accolade
IESE Award Finalist
LGC Awards Finalist
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Featured on BBC

Our Reminiscence/Rehabilitation & Interactive Therapeutic Activities (RITA) technology is aimed at augmenting the care delivered to older people, those living with Dementia, Mental Health conditions, acute brain injuries and learning difficulties as a means of supporting staff to alleviate agitation, isolation, depression, delirium, behaviours that challenge and boredom. We have now supplied RITA to well over 1000 care facilities across the UK including hospitals (Acute MH & Community), care homes, hospices, CCG’s and Councils.

Whilst the primary purpose of RITA is to enhance quality of life and wellbeing; the bi-product outcomes being reported by our clients using RITA cannot be ignored. Note: These outcomes are client reported, anecdotal and qualitative:

  • Reported reduction in falls following introduction of RITA
  • Reported reduction in 1:1, 2:1 & 3:1
  • Supports dementia care mapping
  • Reported reduction in the use of antipsychotic and sleeping medication
  • Reported reduction in LOS
  • Reported reduction in Delayed Transfers of Care
  • Increased patient, family and staff experience
  • Reported improvements in patients with dementia that are unable to sleep
  • Supports dignity, respect and wellbeing for patients at the end of life
  • Improvements in the quality of patient-centred care
  • Improved CQC & Family & Friends results
  • Reported reduction in safeguarding incidents
  • Improved interaction between carers and patient, and relatives and patient

Click here to see how RITA is making an impact at a care system level for STP's & Integrated Care Systems.

What our Clients say

Feedback from many happy customers.

If you wish to view more feedback click here

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  • 1,327+


  • Daily Feedback

    produces free
    updates for
    all clients

  • 70,000

    users across
    the UK

Offering significant benefits to clinical outcomes

Our therapy software is aimed at offering support for older people as a means of supporting them and reducing their agitation, isolation, depression and delirium.

We have implemented RITA in more than 1000 facilities throughout the UK. These include Acute Hospitals, Mental Health Hospitals, Community Hospitals, Care Homes, Hospices & Day Centres.


The Benefits of Using Our System

  • Improved Nutrition and Hydration

    The dementia software provides opportunities for social interaction and reducing the feeling of isolation. It provides more interest around meal times as patients come together. Sharing mealtimes, tea and biscuits whilst talking about some of the subjects that that are promoted within the system can elicit conversation.

  • Improved Patient/ Carer Interaction

    Promotes confidence, as Carer gets to know the patient as it forms a platform for person-centred care, they learn more about the person, their likes and dislikes, it eases their agitation.

  • Free up Valuable Nursing Resource

    The dementia software frees up valuable nursing resource. Nursing staff are able to continue with other life threatening situations with the knowledge that patients on the ward are stimulated.

How it Works

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